Tag Archives: Easter

Coming to an end….

1 Apr

The pregnancy is coming to an end…. this Friday I will be 38 weeks.  That is insane! I can’t think of it as this can happen at any time because that will drive me insane! I have a few people telling me that he will com early, I try not to listen to them because I don’t want to get my hopes too high.  Part of me wants him to come on April 20th or a few days after.  I’m not super into astrology, but if he’s born April 19th or before he’ll be an Aries…. and hard headed aries, if he’s born on the 20th or after he’ll be a Taurus… which is loyal, and just not as difficult (sorry to any Aries out there).  Not that I’m like super in to astrology, I kind of relate it to superstitions… I’m not just going to go and walk under a ladder or break mirrors for the fun of it either… ha. 

The miserable part is here.  Its not as bad as the beginning though.  I can’t just get out of bed, I have to roll out, and my entire pelvic region hurts! I pee every hour to every hour and a half…and I’m talking drops.  Last night I woke up with heart burn at 2:15, then again at 4:15 and I was up for good then.  I called in late to work and slept from 8:15-10:15, then from 10:30-11:15.  Its just not a restful sleep.  I am ready, I am ready, but I am scared.  I’m scared of the whole labor part, and just taking care of a baby! ahhhh

Yesterday we had a quiet Easter.  I was TIRED so we were bad and didn’t get up for church.  We ended up going out to Breakfast at 11:30 and then to my Mom’s, and went and watched the Crood’s, it was cute, but I would have been mad if I had to pay for it at the theatre with out a gift card.  Then we went home and died easter eggs and played different games hiding them.  One way we did it was blindfold my younger brother and sister, and me and G told them where to go to get the Easter egg.  It was fun! 



This is my brother, in his blindfold he stuck the string cheese in his mouth and asked “Do I look like one of those gang boss things?” haha

Jarrett, Carlie, and G were the main ones that colored Easter eggs.  Carlie and G are sooooo creative.  After they were done G posted them on Facebook to see who’s eggs would get the most likes… G’s won, but thought they were all good..
